How to Create Content Loved By Google and Customers

The Secret to SEO Content Creation That Converts Like Crazy


2.1  Different Types of Content You Can Create 

Although the foundation of the BYB process is centred around creating SEO optimised written content, it’s worth remembering that there are other content mediums that you can use.

While I recommend that you use your blog as your content origination point, it's important that we look at the different mediums that you can create content in.  

This will also give you ideas on how you can repurpose this written content into other mediums that work better on other platforms.

Different Content Mediums:

  • Video - this can be done on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram

  • Live streaming - Youtube, Facebook, Instagram

  • Gifs and moving micro content

  • Quotes and other easily shareable sound bites

Check out these sample blog post ideas and the different mediums they could work in.


Top Tip: Don't be afraid to experienment with and try different content mediums to see which gets the best response from your audience. If you have a smartphone, computer and a Canva account you have everything you need to try all of them, so there's no excuse!

3 types of core content to create

Create content that educates:

A great place to start with any content strategy is by identifying the questions that you receive the most - and seeing how you can create content which addresses those questions.

Watch an Example of Content that Educates

Educational content serves you in a few ways:

  1. You can shoot links to those content assets/posts when you get questions related to them

  2. Customers can find answers to their questions on your website - saving you a bunch of repetitive emails

  3. If they’re very specific to what you sell - in terms of long tail keyword phrases - these are easier to rank for

Create content that inspires:

An objective of your content should be to inspire your website visitors enough to become customers. 

Watch an Example of Content that Inspires

This serves you in a few ways:

  • You get to position and align yourself next to other complementary brands, or brands you would like to be seen as similar to

  • You get to sell your products in a non-salesy way by creating editorial content

  • You have links to send to your email list that don’t take them directly to a sales page, but do create a pathway to your products

Create content that informs:

This sort of content should be used sparingly as often it’s time sensitive, meaning it won’t be as valuable once the information becomes dated.

I prefer other content mediums for time sensitive content such as video and Instagram stories. But there are instances where creating a piece of written content can also become an asset.

Watch an Example of Content that Informs


Top Tip: Save time sensitive content for mediums like IG stories/live and Facebook live streams as there's not much point wasting hours writing a long blog post on a topic that won't be relevant in a weeks time, or doesn't target a specific keyword

This serves you in a few ways:

  • If you add a charitable initiative you’re able to create content around this. You can also send the link to that page and send this to them. If the post is well written and formatted they may share it with their audience.

  • You can create behind the scenes content which helps potential customers better connect with your brand

  • Score a brilliant brand partnership or ambassador? You can create a detailed multi-media post which sheds light on this

The reason I suggest that you limit these types of post is because quality content takes time to create.

Informative content doesn’t tend to lend itself well to SEO, meaning it's unlikely to rank as nobody's searching for it.

That being said, this type of content can help to humanise your brand, allowing your potential customers to better understand who you are, what you do, and how you do it.

I try and save this type of content for slow weeks. Or, if I’m crazy busy and want to put out something quickly that doesn’t require heavy writing or editing, as the post is more image than text heavy.

That leads me to my next point.

Related resources:

2.2 How to Choose What Type of Content to Create

Deciding which type of content to create should be balanced between two things.

  1. Your objective - what you want your content to do
  2. Your time and resources - how long you have to create the content and what resources you have to make it better

Let's look at clarifying your objective.

Like we reviewed above content can be used to do several things, educate, inform, and inspire. Once you've decided what the content is designed to do this helps you decide which type of content to create.

Say for example you want to explain how to use your product, the different ways it can be used, or how to care for it.

This type of content best lends itself to visual content as it helps to get across your points quickly and easily. So say you make a skincare product and you want to show people how to apply it to their skin and how to remove it to get the best results.

Of course you could create a written blog post, but think about it, this type of content would best be consumed with a video.

Now before you dive deep into brainstorming it’s important to put in some guidelines for creating content designed to rank in search engines, and convert readers into customers.

We’ll also look at different mediums you can use to create content or repurpose your content into.


Top tip: When deciding which type of content to create, make sure you're clear about the objective for your content.

2.3 The Anatomy of the Perfect Blog Post

While we’ve explored different mediums you can use to create content for your brand.

The Blog your Brand strategy essentially focuses on ranking for keywords organically within Google search. So it's also important that you understand that there's a right and a wrong way to create and format written content.

In the video below I talk you through the anatomy of the perfect blog post. Click to watch now.

How to lay out an optimised post - the theory

I've found that it really helps to keep this format in mind during the early stages of outlining your content.

Not only does it help you to come up with creative ideas. But it also helps reign you in and keep you focused on the story you’re telling and the goal for the content, rather than feeling overwhelmed because you’re staring at a blank page.


Top Tip: To shorten the time it takes to create high ranking content, once you have a layout that works, use this as a template for all your other posts.

How to recognise an optimised blog post in the wild

How to format content that converts

  • Headline

Your headline is one of the most important lines of text you’ll craft for any blog post, because your content will often live or die based off the strength of your headline.

Check out this video by top SEO Brian Dean, as his SEO and copywriting tactics are highly effective.

A good headline will inspire interest and intrigue and cause your reader to click, link, save and or share. 

Make sure you check out the free tool linked below which you can use to check the effectiveness of your headlines.


Top Tip: Write at least 5-10 headline options, then select the best one

How to use Co-schedule to analyse your headline

  • Introduction

A good introduction is designed to grab your readers eyeballs, get their attention, then pull them deeper into your content. It should explain what they can expect to learn or find out within the post.

Your headline should also include your core keyword within the first paragraph.

In the video below I share some tips on how to write an engaging introduction that draws readers in.

  • Images

Images are not just to buff out your post and break up the text, they should be relevant, on brand, and help enhance and explain the story your customers are reading about.

  • Body copy

Depending on the type of post you write, your body copy is the meat and potatoes of the post. The place where the value you proposed within your introduction is then delivered.

Keep your paragraphs short and easy to read, as massive walls of text can feel pretty intimidating to the viewer, even if they're interested in the topic.

  • Bulleted lists

Bullet pointed lists really help to make longer pieces of content more easily scannable.

Bulleted lists work well when creating a list post, but they’re also a great way to highlight core points or simplify certain areas of your post. I always try to have a bulleted list for every 3-4 paragraphs.

  • Multimedia content

Multimedia content simply refers to content that is in another medium other than writing. Popular types of multimedia content are videos, slideshows, gifs, and streams.

  • Repeated calls to action

A call to action is a little different than simply linking. A call to action refers to text that actually tells your reader what you want them to do.

Common examples of calls to action are:

  • Shop now/buy now
  • Read more
  • Learn more
  • See more

Calls to action can also be placed via images and buttons, allowing you to have more than one within a long form piece of content.

  • Internal anchor text links

Internal anchor links are simply links to other pieces of content or product pages within your site.

A good SEO practice is to make sure at least 2-3 of your hyperlinked texted are actually anchor links - ie, phrases that you already have created content for with that same keyword.

Insert Video
  • External text links

External links refer to links that come from your website to other sites.

A good recommendation for linking out is to try and only link to high quality, fairly recent content, that adds additional value to your content.

Remember an external link takes your reader off of your website, so when linking out make sure you’re doing it in your best interest.

Related resources + tools

2.4 Copywriting Tips to Help you Write Higher Converting Content

Copywriting is the art of selling through the written word, and as an online business owner this will be most one of the valuable skills that you can master.

Once you understand how and why copywriting works you'll be able to use these new found marketing skills to write better headlines, product descriptions, and yes, you guessed it, blog posts.

Check out these headline examples:


Top Tip: Look at the type of blog post and email subject headlines that not only get your attention, but also get your click and analyse them.  Once you understand why it worked for you, you'll be able to use these same strategies yourself.

Even though the headlines in the weak column contain the same keywords, these headlines are lacking some key copywriting elements and power prose   proven to drive more clicks and generate more sales.

Check out this list of power prose. What do you notice about them?

Hopefully it's that these are all words or phrases designed to inspire, intrigue, excitement or desire. 

Even though you want to write content that ranks naturally in Google, nobody wants to read a keyword stuffed blog posts which reads like a giant sales pitch.

Keep your writing style lively, upbeat and, if possible, humorous. Obviously include the important facts and keywords, but try and create something you yourself would like to read.

  • Open loops

An open loop is a teaser usually found at the beginning of the story that creates a sense of curiosity in the reader which keeps them reading.

Opening a loop in your content or any type of copy you write creates tension, and if skillfully executed, that tension can only be released by finishing the story and closing that loop.

So maybe you’re wondering what exactly does an open loop look or read like?

“I'll show you an example of opening up a loop in just a second...

First, let's talk about what loops are and what they mean in copy.

Loops are pretty easy to conceive/write. You open up a "loop" in the copy that you don't close until after they've read the parts you want them to.

Sometimes, you don't close the loop at all. Stacey Brazen and I have had some fun conversations about that in the past

So, about that example of opening a loop I mentioned at the top?

You just read it.”

I figured rather than give you some complicated technical breakdown, the easiest way to explain how an open loop works is to show you this loop in action.

  • Make use of Subheadings

Many people use subheadings within their copy purely to break up the text, but without any clear understanding of either the power or the purpose of a subheading.

Your subheadings should be used to break up the copy, making it easier for people to skim through the body of text and find the information most relevant to them.

  • Infuse your personality and personal experience

Ever wondered how come some blogs in traditionally boring niches seem to grow a raving crowd of loyal readers?

Well that’s often down to them writing content that has a strong, consistent and engaging voice. 

This type of blog content makes the reader feel like they can relate to the person writing it, and creates an emotional connection.

Related resources:

2.5 Image creation and selection tips for highly converting content

Nothing can kill a credible piece of content quicker than poor quality imagery.

And if you have no real photography skills or don’t have access to a photographer, then this can quickly become a problem when it comes to promoting your brand.

So let's cover the essentials you need to create quality imagery quickly, cheaply and easily.

  • Invest in lighting and learn how to use your equipment

    The secret to all good photography is lighting, but learning how to light your products in a way that really makes the clothes the star of the show takes some practice.
  • You can quickly and easily create a low cost set up with a couple of softboxes which will help you eliminate shadows, and a standing backdrop. I bought my whole photography kit on Amazon.
  • Pay attention to composition, scale and negative space

    Product photography that sells all comes down to spacial awareness. Think about when you're shopping online how often are you're drawn to cramped, busy pictures with bad angles?

    That's what I thought!

    While you're shooting, test different angles, focal lengths and lighting setups as this will help you find what works for you, and will also make sure you have back up and alternative images if you need them.

  • Highlight interesting details using macro settings on your camera

    If your product has interesting details, hems, fringing, prints, beading etc, then make sure to highlight these by taking close up shots of the garment.

    This helps potential buyers see what makes your products special, which increases their desire for them.

  • Use a tripod to stabilize images and create a consistent height

    I recommend spending a bit more on your tripod as you put up and take down your tripod frequently, so you need something that's not going to fall apart.

    Using a tripod helps to stabilize your image and make sure that you're shooting all of your images at the same distance and at the same height.

    This makes sure there is visual consistency across all your product images.
  • Experiment with angles, depths and visual formats

    Brands have a need for different types of image assets if they want to promote across different channels.

    If you sell a limited range of products your customer will easily become bored if your imagery is always the same. That's why it helps to change up angles and depths of field.

    And if you want to keep your imagery engaging and interactive, don't forget to shoot other formats like video.
  • Experiment with styling, accessories, props and backdrops

    I like to create a basic mood board for each shoot so I have a clear visual of the general look and feel I'm trying to achieve. Carefully selected and placed accessories help add interest and varied dimensions to the image.

         They can also make the image more aspirational or educational, say by               adding a designer bag or high end candle or, helping your customer see           how they might style it.

2.6 How to Edit Your Content Quickly & Easily

A solid edit will take a messy post and tighten it up so it becomes a highly engaging and cleverly optimised piece of content which makes you money for years. This is why editing is one of the most essential skills for you to master.

Content Editing Tips

  • Plan your post before you write
  • Don't edit as you write - let your content breath for at least 24hrs if you can
  • Fact check and make sure you credit your sources - this apply to images too
  • Don’t go straight from writing to editing - give your eyes a break
  • Edit the body copy first
  • Shorten and tighten up your introduction
  • Don’t let spell check do all your proofreading - change your font for the final proof read as it makes it easier to see mistakes
  • Preview and check formatting
  • Check links
  • Check images

2.7 Establish your Content Creation Process

The secret to content that becomes an asset to your business is based on having a strategy for what type of content you will create, and in what formats you will create it in. Then, creating and promoting your content consistently, and the reality is this takes time and diligence.

Below I've laid out the main things you need to consider and factor in if you want to become a content creation and promotion machine.

  • How many hours per week can you dedicate to creating content? Be honest.
  • Who will help you create your content? Who else is involved in the content? List the person/people and their role in the creation.
  • What is your monthly or quarterly budget for content creation?
  • What equipment do you need?
  • What tools, apps, or programs do you need?
  • When will you create your content?
    • Monthly - I’ll block off one day at the start of every month to plan and create my content
    • Weekly - every (choose a day of the week) I will dedicate x number of hours to content creation

As you can see it takes planning and forethought, that's why I've supplied you with a content calendar. You'll find it linked below.

2.8 Establish your Content Publishing Calendar

I know, I know, you need another calendar like you need a hole in the head, I get it!

However, it’s been my experience that having an actual content publishing calendar helps you plan out your content marketing activities, while having an overview of any key dates or holidays that you may want to create content for specifically.


Top Tip: What doesn't get planned or measured doesn't get done. That's why it's important to make sure you plan out your content and get clear around what your KPI (key performance indicators) are to measure its success.

Top reasons to have a content calendar:

  • Decide when to publish to best meet your goals

  • Identify any content gaps around key dates

  • Plan how to repurpose content and when to publish it

  • Get clear about any other contractors or writers who are contributing

Action Task

Download your free content creation calendar, then plan and schedule your posts for the next 30 days. Keep this calendar in an easily accessible place on your computer and set up reminders within Google calendar to remind you of the content you've committed to publishing

DOWNLOAD: your free content marketing calendar, but please don't fill out the proforma. Make a copy and save this in Google drive.

key takeaways from chapter #2

  • You know the different types of content you can create. And how they benefit your brand and business
  • How to format your content. So you only publish the sort of content that has been been proven to keep viewers longer on the page
  • How to edit your content. So you can create content designed to become a profitable asset for your business.

Well done, you just completed chapter #2

I know this was a beast of a module covering lots of the theory, but I promise you, if you absorb this knowledge and make it a priority to master creating content of this calibre, you'll already be miles ahead of your competition. Don't get too comfy though... there's still lots more to learn and we'll go even deeper in chapter three.