I’m going to come straight out and say it.
Cold Laundry is nothing special.
Basic. Simple designs. High street fabrics. Polyester. Yet still they make big waves.
But Cold Laundry doesn’t really sell clothes. You can tell by the shabbiness of their website.
And that doesn’t really matter. Because Cold Laundry sells cool.
And that’s infinitely more valuable.
So how do you inject an abundance of cool into your brand?
This starts with your DNA.
The overarching narrative.
The repeated delivery of which, is what makes your brand immediately recognisable.
And brand recognition is much like facial recognition.
It requires acquiring your viewers attention. It demands mindshare.
To achieve this takes a commitment to visual consistency that is almost painful.
In order to establish a visual voice that acts like a clarion call to your tribe, you must both unleash and restrain your creativity. It means saying no. Often.
Model selection.
Set design.
Colour grading and retouching.
They do all the heavy lifting.
Few online business owners are photographers, art directors, lighting assistants and make-up artists.
And realizing a vision that requires these skills to be brought to life can feel scary. Expensive. Out of your paygrade.
If you feel that way, it probably is. But that’s okay.
Keep your eyes poised and you’ll see there are brands who achieve the same result – cultish desirability – with an iPhone, strobe light and a colour gel. Pay. Attention.
For Cold Laundry, the oil in the engine is the art direction and photography of Alex Oghale.
Unconventional, naked-faced models set in epic locations.
Perfectly composed scenes and a colour palette edit that soothes the optic edge.
The outcome is nothing short of remarkable.
This union of brand narrative, art direction, and photographer, creates scroll-stopping imagery which elevates this brand to places the product alone will not.
Harnessing cool will transform a simple idea into a million dollar business.
Done right… Cool will create generational wealth.
Cold Laundry is nothing special.
They sell basic clothes in muted colors on a half finished website.
They do both the least and the most.
They whisper loudly and are disruptive AF.
And that’s why their people want to own it all.