Welcome to day two module two, of {BYB:PRO} Blog Your Brand Pro: The blogging course for brands that mean business.
In today’s module you’re going to be doing competitive research. Looking at 10 of your online competitors, you’re going to analyse their blogging and social media strategy and use this data to help you get clearer about your own strategy.
You’ll learn how to use two free research tools and get done-for-you spreadsheets to help you compile the data from your competitive analysis.
NB: The volume level in the first minute of the video is low
- Module 2 day video (viewing time 34 minutes)
- Module 2 day 2: MP3 of the video
- Module 2 day 2: Spreadsheets and challenge
Module 2 Challenge:
- Complete your competitive analysis of your top ten competitors – 5 big brands, 5 up and coming brands
- Complete your social media and blog analysis spreadsheet
- Select your first four posts
- Add these to your content marketing calender.
www.buzzsumo.com Limited to five free searches per day
www.epicbeat.epictions.com Unlimited searches (for now) but limited to only 30 days of data
Social media and blog analysis spreadsheet
Please note: DO NOT FILL IN THIS SPREADSHEET – make a copy of it to your own hard drive
Simple content marketing calender
Please note: DO NOT FILL IN THIS SPREADSHEET – make a copy of it to your own hard drive
Please come over and ask any questions you have about the course content in the Fashion Fast Lane. Use the hashtag #bybpro so I can prioritise answering your questions.
You can also ask me your course content related questions at stacey@brazenprofitlab.com office hours are Tuesday-Thursday from 10am-2pm ICT+1. I do my best to respond to course related emails within 24 hours, however, this is not always possible.
Note: Please do not share links to this page. This is only for {BYB: Pro} students.