Welcome to day four module four of {BYB:PRO} Blog Your Brand Pro: The blogging course for brands that mean business.
In today’s module I’ll talk you through content traffic funnels you can use on all your most used social media platforms. From direct to email to Instagram, learn simple ways to use these platforms to drive traffic to your online store and grow your mailing list.
Please find below the following:
Module 4 day 4 video (viewing time 21 minutes)
Module 4 day 4: MP3 of the video
Module 4 day 4: Resources
Indepth, high quality video training that takes you through the pyschology of colour, font selection, and graphic image creation.
Canva Training by Danielle Murrell:
I struggle with her voice (so nasal) but the training contained within is great. She does a better job of teaching this than I would.
For shortening links so you can track how many clicks they are getting
For building links that are trackable directly within Google analytics and which will show you exactly where your traffic is coming from. Can be linked to different sales or conversion goals you set up in Google analytics
Please come over and ask any questions you have about the course content in the Fashion Fast Lane. Use the hashtag #bybpro so I can prioritise answering your questions.
You can also ask me your course content related questions at stacey@brazenprofitlab.com office hours are Tuesday-Thursday from 10am-2pm ICT+1. I do my best to respond to course related emails within 24 hours, however, this is not always possible.
Note: Please do not share links to this page. This is only for {BYB: Pro} students.