Despite the fact that working with influencers is hands down one of the best and quickest ways for a new or struggling brand to increase brand awareness, the process of fashion blogger outreach, can still be a minefield for most rookie store owners.
The truth is, getting fashion bloggers with large, engaged audiences to pay attention and agree to work with you (at a rate you can afford) isn’t easy. And in all honesty can become an impossible task if you don’t know how to initiate a partnership in the right way.
That’s why I reached out to over 300 fashion bloggers to find out exactly how fashion blogger outreach should be done correctly. So keep reading because in this article, 37 style influencers share their top three tips for developing better fashion blogger outreach.
But I didn’t stop there.
To simplify the process even more for new online boutique owners, you can also grab my FREE two-part outreach email template – giving you a tried and tested format you can use when you start your next round of fashion blogger outreach.
If you find this article insightful and helpful, I hope you’ll take action and share it with others. Short on time? Below I’ve pulled out 5 power tips which really stood out.
5 Standout Tips For Better Blogger Outreach
“Instead of having a launch party, aim to spend the next 365 days building your craft, perfecting your look , solidifying your foundation and finding loyal supporters (other than your friends and family)”
“The biggest mistake I see from designers on any social media is a lack of response to comments, likes, etc. Every time someone comments on one of your photos that is a marketing opportunity.”
“Don’t just pick a blogger because they have a million followers because it won’t seem genuine if they promote for you”
“Designers should not be afraid to work with small bloggers from different countries, this way they can spread around the world.”
“Don’t be afraid to ask for a favor. You never know if one of the bloggers you contact ends up being your biggest fan.”
To add extra value to this post, I also created a 2-part outreach email template that you can download for FREE, – you’ll see links to it sprinkled throughout the post. With a winning email template that you can modify, and clear guidelines you can use to help you customise it accordingly, you’re well on your way to securing your next blogger collaboration. Go get ’em.
1. Lauren Richardson 2. Bryce Medina 3. Travis hill 4. Megan 5. Tiffany Ima 6. Jenny 7. Heather 8. Greta Egan 9. Nikki 10. Bryn Newman 11. Diana Horsfall 12. Kish Raveendran 13. Grace 14. Dayna 15. Akanksha Redhu 16. Marta 17. Leslie 18. Thomas Drew 19. Khai Nunag 20. Bruno 21. Nateisha 22. Alex Terner 23. Joseph Rangel 24. Henry Evia 25. Dennis de jesus 26. Lise 27. Lisa Anderson 28. Jessica Dugan 29. Jake Barbera 30. Christian 31. Edoardo Savoia 32. David Rochez 33 Juan 34. Sef Tiburcio 35. Elisa Zanetti 36. Ollyvia Laura Arnold 37. Ashley Syne
1. Lauren Richardson – Dressing Dallas
I would say my first tip for working with fashion bloggers would be just to email us! Most of the time we’d LOVE To work with independent designers. They best way to get our email address is on our blog (there’s usually a contact link on the page).
My second piece of advice would be to create an Instagram account to show off your pieces, and tag up on your posts. It’s so easy to interact with people on Instagram, and it’s most bloggers main hub on social media. You can also private message on Instagram.
My third piece of advice would be to comment on our blog, or any social media platform. Let us know you are out there, and get the conversation started!
Connect with Lauren on Instagram.
2. Bryce Medina –
First, independent designers must conceptualise and visualise a concrete plan of partnership they want before tapping a fashion blogger.
Second, they must carefully ‘work’ a fashion blogger that will represent their clothes, I mean, they should know the blogger’s capabilities and style – so they don’t expect too much from the blogger, and they will not end up disappointed. Lastly, both should benefit from the partnership.
The first party (designer) should not be abusing or using the other party (blogger), or vice versa.
Connect with Bryce on Instagram.
3. Travis Hill –
My tips to new independent designers would be to refrain from having launch parties. Launch parties can set you back , reason why I say that is because there are new fashion lines that come out everyday.
Where I am from ( New York City ) everyone is always aiming to be the best next thing. Slow and steady wins the race.
Instead of having a launch party, aim to spend the next 365 days building your craft, perfecting your look, solidifying your foundation and finding loyal supporters (other than your friends and family). Build relationships with your patrons.
I feel the art of communication has become a very lost art amongst new fashion designers.
Pieces are being sold and no relationships are being built.
Editors note: Not quite a fashion blogger outreach tip, but a powerful tip, nonetheless.
Connect with Travis on Instagram.
4. Megan – The quintessential blog
If you want to work with a fashion blogger you must offer a partnership that is reasonable and meaningful to your blogger partner. I have been offered many, many partnerships where designers offer to send me samples, but request them back to be shipped back at the end.
While I know that these samples can be expensive and time consuming to create, it’s important to understand that when you do this as a designer you are essentially asking for free advertising and labor from the blogger.
As a blogger, each post requires styling, shooting, photo editing, posting, and heavy promotion, it’s unlikely a blogger will want to make the trip to the post office at the end of all that!
Just like your design took a lot of thought, so did the blog post that promoted it.
Always ask yourself what YOUR goal is, but also ask yourself what the bloggers goals are, and then approach them with an offer. Can you offer a gift item that they may keep? Social media promotion? An ongoing relationship?
Connect with Megan on Instagram.
5. Tiffany Ima – Tiffany Ima’s Thrify Life
I feel like independent designers are in a unique position because they already have such a personal connection to their work. When someone contacts you, it is not just a social media representative from a large brand reaching out, it is someone who feels like you actually represent the image they are trying to communicate.
There are so many designers/brands out there that it is difficult to really make a name for yourself, so connecting on a personal level is super important. Social media is the number one way to connect with bloggers, especially Instagram.
The biggest mistake I see from designers on any social media is a lack of response to comments, likes, etc. Every time someone comments on one of your photos that is a marketing opportunity. I cannot tell you how many times I see something I love on IG or Pinterest, I may comment but forget to follow and if they don’t respond, they lost me.
A great thing I don’t see often enough is, brands shouting out bloggers they love BEFORE they ever have their product. This shows that they care and can be inspired by you.
Connect with Tiffany on Instagram.
If I could give independent designers tips to develop better blogger outreach, it would be:
1) Engage with the bloggers you follow on a consistent basis. Remember details about their life and give specific compliments and comments.
2) Giveaways go hand in hand with better blogger outreach and are a great way to gain a higher follower count if done correctly.
3) Post personal details every so often. We live in the age of relationship & connection. Readers and followers want special glimpses into your life, not just a constant stream of “look at my new thing, look at my new thing”.
Connect with Jenny on Instagram.
Connect with Jose on Instagram.
Connect with Ashley on Instagram.
Massive thanks to everyone who contributed to this mammoth post! Please share if you think it was useful!
Make sure you follow me on Facebook, for more exciting interviews like this one. And just to recap, here are five of my fave tips for developing better blogger outreach:
“Instead of having a launch party, aim to spend the next 365 days building your craft, perfecting your look , solidifying your foundation and finding loyal supporters (other than your friends and family)”
“The biggest mistake I see from designers on any social media is a lack of response to comments, likes, etc. Every time someone comments on one of your photos that is a marketing opportunity.”
“Don’t just pick a blogger because they have a million followers because it won’t seem genuine if they promote for you”
“Designers should not be afraid to work with small bloggers from different countries and this way, they can be spread around the world.”
. “Don’t be afraid to ask for a favor. You never know if one of the bloggers you contact ends up being your biggest fan.”