If you call yourself an eCommerce marketing consultant, your goal should be: to help eCommerce business owners improve the impact of their web presence, marketing and profitability, with simple customer focused improvements. At Brazen Profit Lab that’s most definitely the case, but alas, not all of the advice we dish out is solicited, (however, if you’d like us to review your homepage, then get in touch)
In today’s homepage hot-seat is luxury organic scarf and accessories brand, Beau Monde Organics. This brief review looks at 5 simple ways they can improve their homepage and, I suspect, their conversion rate.
Each bullet point relates to a highlight on the screenshot of the homepage (which you will find in the middle of this article).
- Include your phone number on your homepage…make it easy for me to get in touch
Having a phone number on your homepage is a small trust indicator, as it makes your potential customer feel they can contact you should they have a question or problem. Even if you have this number listed on your contact us page, putting it front and centre on your homepage has been proven to increase enquiries and sign ups.
Brazen quick fix: add your telephone number to your homepage and make sure the font is large enough to be legible.
2. Get rid of the slider, and make it clear what you want me to do!
Despite the overwhelming evidence that sliders notoriously lower conversion rates, for some reason the eCommerce marketplace has yet to take that data and act on it. In this particular case, the brand is announcing a new product and talking about the charitable donation made with each purchase, but there is no call to action. They don’t tell me want they want me to do. Click the image, read more, buy now?
Brazen quick fix: choose your best image of the featured or new product item you want to promote. Make sure the image is high resolution, and includes a great tagline and a clear call to action.
3. Make that headline jump out and grab my attention
This is the headline that leads into the main copy of the page, the problem is it doesn’t stand out, it looks cluttered and could benefit from a copy re-work.
Brazen quick fix: Re-work the headline. Make the font size slightly bigger, create some space between the headline and the body copy and, remove the (!) – there are too many of them on the homepage.
4. You offer 25% off, so why don’t I WANT to sign up to your email list?
Although going in the right direction, the image used to ask for potential customers email address is not engaging. It’s low resolution and hard to read. There is a great incentive of 25% off, but nothing compels me to sign up…that’s a problem easily fixed.
Brazen quick fix: redesign the graphic to have less text and be in a higher resolution – I shouldn’t have to strain to read what it says. Change the opt-in button to “get 25% off”, nobody wants to subscribe to your email list, but they’ll love getting 25% off the first order.
6. Better images on the homepage = more sales
For a brand selling a physical fashion product that taps into the social and environmentally conscious movement which is changing the way consumers making buying decisions, they are not making the best visual impact with their imagery. The images are inconsistent and lack clarity. In fact, the whole site could do with an improvement in pixel resolution and consistency in image style.
Brazen Quick fix: Show less images, but use bigger and better quality images. Either stick to modelled pictures or white backgrounds, but not both.
Hot-seat conclusion:
So what do you think?
Reckon any of these changes could improve Beau Monde Organic’s enquiries or sales. Lower the bounce rate, or encourage more people to sign up for their mailing list? I do, but don’t just take my word for it. I’d suggest Beau Monde Organics conduct some A/B split tests (non aff link) using software like Visual Website Optimiser or Kissmetrics. This will allow them to make changes and track results.
Beau Monde Organics…if you do any of the above, we’d love to hear your results.
If you’re an eCommerce business owner reading this and can spot anything we missed, let’s have a discussion about it in the comments. Enjoyed this article, found it helpful, or think it could help someone else? I’d love it if you shared it.
At Brazen Profit Lab, we help eCommerce business owners bring their marketing to life with a hybrid of services which include:
Homepage optimisation copy
Web copy and product descriptions
Landing page copy
Launch strategies and joint venture partnerships
Social media marketing strategy
- Content marketing strategy and content creation
Does your eCommerce marketing need to come off life support? Get in touch with us today to see if we can help you.
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